Mysteries of White

I love all colors with passion and "delicacy", in particular muted colors, iridescent colors, glitter, pearlescent colors, subtle colors, their sometimes improbable combinations.

Why do I choose to experiment with whites? Echo to the white, immaculate page, on which everything is possible? On which the writer invents, constructs a new story… Echo to the light which is wonderfully reflected by the white? "In the white coats"? How can I share with you my questions about this “color”?

Usually, I take a classic frame, white frame and I add colors and shapes. I can buy black frames, buy linen fabrics by the meter… and paint white… To this day, I am experimenting with several methods.

I let you imagine and discover them around a few paintings.

And you, what does white mean to you? Trust your feelings

I wish you enlightening and enriching answers.

Hyphens - From here and there

This collection was born from my taste for the moments of magic that life offers us. Since childhood, I sketch shapes on scraps of paper that at first don't make sense. Gradually, I perceive an evocative image of an object, a being, a feeling, or other energy and at that moment the magic sets in.

Often, I draw lines on a sheet, a canvas frame, then I erase some of them with no other goal than to discover a new reality that comes to take place. Sometimes I paint these improbable forms coming from here or elsewhere.

Often I keep white the spaces that were pencil lines or I paint the lines.

These lines, these spaces, unite to give way to a form known or not: from here or elsewhere...

Then a story comes to life...

In front of these paintings, let our imagination and our feelings lead us beyond our usual perceptions to appropriate the story and share it around us.

how to be well

in our interiors?

  • Thanks to the energy care of the place
  • With vibratory paintings
  • At the harmonization of the place










I give a conference

Sunday 27.11 at 2 p.m.

by Marie-Martine 13 October 2023
Quel bonheur ! Un atelier bien rangé après le bazar du retour d'expo... Du coup, je languis de m'y installer pour accueillir les formes et les couleurs que je vais utiliser pour une nouvelle Toile.
by Marie Martine Ricard 2 December 2022
L'harmonisation des lieux par l'agencement, l'aménagement
by Marie Martine Ricard 2 December 2022
Je vous propose de personnaliser une Toile, peinte le plus souvent à l'acrylique ou à l'aquarelle, une création en art numérique
by Marie Martine Ricard 2 December 2022
Après avoir fait le rangement, le ménage....
by Marie-Martine 2 December 2022
by Marie-Martine 2 December 2022
Bonjour Les Zamis, je vous partage quelques idées pour assainir votre habitat, en plus du ménage, rangement et autre entretien classique...
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